Parish History – continued

Comber Church
The Sacristy includes the Priest’s Vestment area, Disabled Toilet and Baby Changing Facilities.
In the nave the floor has been tiled in Ceramics with inlays referring to The Blessed Virgin Mary and at the top of the aisle a mural of the Visitation.
The Altar and Ambo and rear wall (Reredos) have been manufactured in Italy (Carrara) using Botticino Marble and the floor is covered in similar marble with the addition of Serpentio Marble across the Front of the Sanctuary and encompassing the Altar. The seat (Sedelia) is from the original furniture.
The Baptismal Font again is in Botticino Marble with a Fish carved on the inside. An interesting point here, if you look down on the floor there are four sections of the old font cut and set into the base – the idea of our Parish Priest, The Very Reverend Martin O’Hagan.
The walls have been ‘dry lined’, that is, having stripped the plaster off we used a steel frame with insulation behind fixing sheets of plasterboard to the frame and subsequently plastering.
Heating is by gas with heated radiators under the pews. All electrics and lighting have been replaced.
New sound system and CCTV cameras have been installed thus allowing Services to be broadcast over the Internet for those unable to attend through age or illness. (
As you exit, the two interior doors carry Coats of Arms of the Cistercians on the right and on the left of Down & Connor Diocese.
Arriving at the Entrance Door, this is the original (1871) and the Lock is also from 1871, made by Havlins of Smithfield, a name associated with Locksmiths since the mid nineteenth century.
Desmond McAuley
July 2010